Safe Shores’ Clinical Services helps children and families heal from the trauma of violence. Mental health treatment is a crucial part of healing but can often be too expensive or difficult to access. To remove any barrier to healing, we provide services for as long as necessary, free of charge.
“Safe Shores has been the only constant in our lives over the last few years, and we couldn’t have afforded therapy for the girls without your help.”

Josie was seven and her little sister, Sophie, just six when they first came to Safe Shores, having been abused by their father since infancy. It took several years for Josie and Sophie to begin to feel safe enough to process their trauma and the PTSD they developed. By working with a Safe Shores therapist, Josie, Sophie, and their mom, Laura, began to feel ready to talk about what had happened to them. After five years, Josie was finally able to say aloud to her therapist what she had experienced.
Seeing how far her girls had come, Laura decided it was time for them to face one of those painful memories together as a family. After avoiding it for years, she took the girls to visit the apartment that had been their home when the abuse occurred. As they passed by, Josie pointed out the window toward the room that had once been hers and stated that it was where her father used to come in and hurt her and her sister. Sophie did not get upset and Laura calmly affirmed Josie and stated that what their father had done was wrong. For the first time since they had moved away, they were able to pass by the apartment without it bringing up feelings they could not manage. The location of the abuse no longer had control over Josie or her family.
For children and families who have been traumatized by abuse or from witnessing violence, the journey to healing can sometimes be a long and winding road. That’s why at Safe Shores, we provide therapeutic services for as long as is necessary for healing to occur, free of charge.Children like Josie and Sophie who work with Safe Shores therapists have the time and space they need to learn how to feel safe again. Non-offending caregivers like Laura don’t have to worry about insurance or co-pays and can instead process their own emotions and be the most supportive caregiver they can be.
Donate today to help more children begin their journeys on the road to healing.
In the spirit of hope and progress for all children,
The team at Safe Shores — The DC Children’s Advocacy Center