Every year, we invite our community to help make the holiday season brighter for child survivors and their families. For Holiday Giving 2023, we’re excited to bring back two beloved elements of Holiday Giving: individual children’s wish lists and wrapping parties!
That means there are three different ways you can help make the holiday season brighter for children and families impacted by abuse and violence in DC:
1. Sponsor a Wishlist
You can help make the holiday season a little brighter by purchasing items from a child’s wishlist. Complete the Holiday Giving Sponsor Sign-Up Form be matched with a child’s wish list and begin shopping! Sponsors are asked to purchase the child’s top three wishes, and can expect to spend $150 – $200 dollars total per wishlist. Gifts must be dropped off at Safe Shores by December 1st.
2. Make a Monetary Donation
For the past few years, Safe Shores has provided caregivers with gift cards that enabled them to do the holiday shopping for their families and meet their families’ unique needs, which they know best. Our goal this year is to raise $25,000, and any donation amount helps!
3. Wrap with us!
Once all the gifts have been dropped off, come join us to wrap them and enjoy some festive treats! This is a great way to get involved if you want to volunteer with us in a tangible way. Stay tuned for wrapping party details!
Will you help make this holiday season brighter by supporting Safe Shores’ Holiday Giving Drive?
If you would be interested in setting up your own fundraising team (like this one) for Holiday Giving, please email Claire Jacobson, Development Manager, at cjacobson@safeshores.org.