Mimi Kirk Mar 29, 2018 Children’s Advocacy Centers make sure kids only have to tell their story of abuse once. On a recent visit to Safe Shores, a Washington, D.C., center that supports victims of child abuse, executive director Michele Booth Cole told me about a 10-year-old girl who came to the center after her father sexually abused ...
Good Things Happen When We Partner For Kids
https://youtu.be/zVMqSCKn2QM ...
Caregivers, Kids and Staff Find Joy on the Ice
“I’m gonna remember this day forever,” Tally, age nine, said to Erin McGuinness, Prevention & Outreach Director, and Gerald Versey, Prevention & Outreach Associate. “Seriously, when I’m 68, I will think about this day.” On December 12, three families enrolled in Safe Shores’ caregiver support group went ice skating to experience a new ...
Fall 2017 Newsletter
Growing and innovating because of kids like Annie Annie, a 12-year-old girl with fears no child should have, fled her home one night to escape her father’s sexual abuse. She grabbed an armful of her belongings but left her clothes behind. A few days later, Annie arrived at Safe Shores with her mom, a social worker and only the clothes on her back. ...