Safe Shores continues to stand in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community against hate and violence. Right now we’re celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Won’t you join us and check out some of these wonderful resources we’ve compiled just to start? #StopAsianHate Read these Books for AAPI ...
Prioritize Child Abuse Prevention Every Month
Even though Child Abuse Prevention Month 2021 is coming to a close, the need for intervention and prevention doesn’t go away. As long as children are being abused, they need our help. That means Safe Shores’ work must continue. We’re counting on you to make that happen. Please consider prioritizing child abuse prevention every month—not only in ...
Child Abuse Prevention Month Questions and Answers
What is Child Abuse Prevention Month? April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and it serves as a time to raise public awareness and engagement surrounding steps we can take in our own communities to prevent child abuse. There is no shortage of events, trainings, tours, and classes to attend (virtually) to learn more and become an advocate for child ...
Child Sexual Abuse: The Myths and Truths
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and part of prevention is eliminating the misinformation that surrounds child sexual abuse and learning the facts. Scroll down to learn the statistics and truth about child sexual abuse. The more awareness we bring to child abuse, the more we can prevent it. If you want to do more to prevent child sexual ...
Abuso sexual infantil: Los mitos y verdades
Abril es el Mes de Prevención del Abuso Infantil, y parte de la prevención es eliminar la información errónea que rodea este tema y aprender la realidad. Deslícese para conocer las estadísticas y la verdad sobre el abuso sexual infantil (ASI). Cuanta más conciencia tengamos sobre ASI, más podremos prevenirla. Si quiere hacer más para prevenir el ...
Social Worker Self-Care Tips – Social Worker Appreciation Month
To celebrate Social Worker Appreciation Month, we want to take a moment to shout out the phenomenal team of social workers on staff at Safe Shores. We truly believe in the power of taking care to give care, and want to encourage all social workers to make themselves a priority this month, and every month, by practicing #selfcare. We asked our ...
There is No Place for Racism or Other Hatred, Period.
The Anti-Asian violence that continues to be perpetrated in the U.S. — most recently the killings this week in Atlanta — is yet a deplorable and intolerable manifestation of the evil of racism. In the world Safe Shores is working to create, where every child has a safe, healthy, and joyful childhood, there is no place for racism or other hatred, ...
When a Father Asked for Help
When 7-year-old Marcus’ father contacted Safe Shores, this devoted dad was desperately seeking support to help his precocious and once joy-filled son deal with intense fear and anxiety after witnessing a police-involved shooting. What had until then been the two of them watching nation-wide protests and media coverage of community injustices on a ...
Safe Shores named a 2020 Impact Award Recipient by Nonprofit Village
Safe Shores – The DC Children’s Advocacy Center is honored and grateful to be named a 2020 Impact Award winner by Nonprofit Village. Since Safe Shores marked its 25th anniversary in 2020, receiving this recognition this year is especially meaningful. Nonprofit Village, the DC area’s only nonprofit incubator, created the Impact Award to recognize ...
Safe Shores’ November 2020 Newsletter – A Peek into How COVID-19 Has Impacted Our Work + More
This Year, Giving Has to Look Different, Because Our Clients’ Needs are Different As we all know, 2020 is no normal year. It has required Safe Shores to carry out our mission in new ways, and our annual Holiday Giving Drive is no different. We are still doing all our work remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic, and that means Holiday ...