Keep Kids Safe – Hill Day
safeshores-drawingsOn April 25th and 26th, the Keep Kids Safe Movement and its coalition partners will convene in Washington, D.C. to meet with key stakeholders and advance both the National Blueprint...
On April 25th and 26th, the Keep Kids Safe Movement and its coalition partners will convene in Washington, D.C. to meet with key stakeholders and advance both the National Blueprint...
Members of the Keep Kids Safe Coalition will be visiting the White House. Executive Director Michele Booth Cole will represent Safe Shores – The DC Children’s Advocacy Center as a...
El afecto y el tacto saludables protegen contra el abuso sexual infantil, especialmente con los padres, cuidadores y miembros de la familia. Esta capacitación le enseña algunas pautas para un contacto saludable y formas seguras y respetuosas de interactuar con los niños. Registrarse aquí.