Protecting and caring about children means knowing the facts – the building blocks – about childhood and child development. The more that adults know and understand children, their behaviors, and their essential needs, the better we can stand on business for children to help them thrive. Children don’t come with instruction manuals (wouldn’t that be...
In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, Safe Shores invited the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) to facilitate a presentation for parents, guardians, and the general community who are interested in keeping kids safe on the internet. Do you know how to have preventive conversations with your children to keep them safe...
En honor al Mes de la Prevención del Abuso Infantil, Safe Shores invitó al Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados (NCMEC) a facilitar una presentación para padres, tutores y la comunidad en general que estén interesados en mantener a los niños seguros en Internet. ¿Conoces acerca de cómo puedes entablar conversaciones preventivas con tus...