Safe Shores continues to stand in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community against hate and violence. Right now we’re celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Won’t you join us and check out some of these wonderful resources we’ve compiled just to start? #StopAsianHate Read these Books for AAPI ...
News and Events
Self-Care Tips for Children
When you hear the phrase “self-care,” what springs to mind? Bubble baths? Indulging in food and drink? Spa days and face masks? Recently, the act of self-care has become synonymous with self-indulgence, with brands latching onto the self-care craze as a way to sell their products. Real self-care looks wildly different. Self-care can be practiced by ...
Prioritize Child Abuse Prevention Every Month
Even though Child Abuse Prevention Month 2021 is coming to a close, the need for intervention and prevention doesn’t go away. As long as children are being abused, they need our help. That means Safe Shores’ work must continue. We’re counting on you to make that happen. Please consider prioritizing child abuse prevention every month—not only in ...
The Five Steps of Child Abuse Prevention
Although Child Abuse Prevention Month 2021 is coming to an end, Safe Shores’ focus on prevention continues year round. Here is something adults can do right now to #ProtectKids365: learn and share the five steps of child abuse prevention from Darkness to Light. Each step is a piece of the prevention puzzle, and by learning all five steps, you can ...
What does it mean to #ProtectKids365?
While we share in the collective relief following the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, that feeling is juxtaposed with our rage and grief over the needless death of Ma'Khia Bryant, a 15-year-old Black American girl, shot and killed by police mere minutes before the Chauvin verdict was read. The reality is, our country has ...
Child Abuse Prevention Month Questions and Answers
What is Child Abuse Prevention Month? April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and it serves as a time to raise public awareness and engagement surrounding steps we can take in our own communities to prevent child abuse. There is no shortage of events, trainings, tours, and classes to attend (virtually) to learn more and become an advocate for child ...
Conversación: Seguridad en las plataformas delinternet para prevenir el abuso sexual infantil
Conversación: Seguridad en las plataformas del internet para prevenir el abuso sexual infantil Únete a nuestra conversación Zoom sobre cómo prevenir y proteger a sus niños de los riesgos del abuso sexual infantil en las redes sociales, los motores de búsqueda en el Internet y los juegos en línea. Lunes 19 de abril de 2021 12:30 pm - 1:45 ...
Child Sexual Abuse: The Myths and Truths
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and part of prevention is eliminating the misinformation that surrounds child sexual abuse and learning the facts. Scroll down to learn the statistics and truth about child sexual abuse. The more awareness we bring to child abuse, the more we can prevent it. If you want to do more to prevent child sexual ...
Child Abuse Prevention Month 2021 Events
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and there is no shortage of events, trainings, tours, and classes to attend (virtually) to learn more and become an advocate in your own community. Scroll down to see a calendar of events for each week in April that you can participate in remotely, and links to register and learn more. Another great way you ...
Abuso sexual infantil: Los mitos y verdades
Abril es el Mes de Prevención del Abuso Infantil, y parte de la prevención es eliminar la información errónea que rodea este tema y aprender la realidad. Deslícese para conocer las estadísticas y la verdad sobre el abuso sexual infantil (ASI). Cuanta más conciencia tengamos sobre ASI, más podremos prevenirla. Si quiere hacer más para prevenir el ...